Summer: The Longest Days of the Year = Less Sleep
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Summer: The Longest Days of the Year = Less Sleep

You’ve probably heard of “the lazy days of summer”…but, are they really? Sure, there are no school schedules to keep, homework is a thing of the past, vacations abound, but with these fun activities you may find yourself staying up later to enjoy the longer days and rising with the first rays of light as the birds sing outside your window.

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The Mind-Body Connection
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is more than just a philosophical idea; it is grounded in scientific research. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can directly influence our physical health.

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Treatment Methods for Psychosis: Effectiveness and Approaches
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Treatment Methods for Psychosis: Effectiveness and Approaches

Treating psychosis requires a comprehensive and individualized approach that addresses both the symptoms and the underlying factors contributing to the condition. While antipsychotic medications remain a cornerstone of treatment, therapy-based approaches such as CBT and family therapy offer valuable adjunctive interventions.

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A Brief Look at Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

A Brief Look at Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) began in the 1980’s, when founder Steven C. Hayes, a Professor of Psychology, became curious about what techniques helped him cope, and which did not, with his Panic Disorder.

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Building Resilience and Emotional Well-Being
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Building Resilience and Emotional Well-Being

Life's challenges, whether they come from personal setbacks, professional stress, or global crises, test our ability to bounce back and maintain a sense of inner peace. Building resilience and nurturing emotional well-being are not just about surviving tough times but thriving despite them.

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Coping with Sexual Abuse: Healing and Recovery
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Coping with Sexual Abuse: Healing and Recovery

Coping with the aftermath of sexual abuse is an arduous journey that requires patience, support, and self-compassion. While the road to healing may seem daunting, there are strategies and resources available to survivors to help them navigate their recovery process.

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Understanding and Addressing Childhood Trauma
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Understanding and Addressing Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma encompasses a range of adverse experiences, from physical or emotional abuse to neglect, witnessing domestic violence, or experiencing natural disasters. These experiences can leave deep emotional scars that persist into adulthood if not properly addressed.

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Understanding Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Understanding Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors

In the realm of mental health, behaviors are often categorized into two main types: internalizing and externalizing. These classifications serve as valuable tools for understanding and addressing various psychological issues that individuals may face.

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A Therapist Reacts
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

A Therapist Reacts

“When you haven’t had enough sleep, everything feels ten times harder. Sleep has a profound effect on every aspect of your wellbeing, so if you think your sleep is not as good as it could be it is well worth your time and effort to try improving it” (Smith, 2022).

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Coping Strategies for Divorce
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Coping Strategies for Divorce

Divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences a person can endure. It's a process fraught with emotional turbulence, uncertainty, and profound life changes. However, amidst the storm, there are ways to navigate the journey and emerge stronger on the other side. It is important to be able to identify coping strategies to help you cope with a divorce.

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The Unspoken Benefits of Pre-Marital/Marital Counseling
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

The Unspoken Benefits of Pre-Marital/Marital Counseling

Behind every successful marriage lies a foundation of understanding, communication, and commitment. However, achieving this idyllic union requires effort and dedication from both partners. This is where pre-marital and marital counseling step in as invaluable tools for navigating the journey of marriage.

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Valentine’s Day: Shaping Valentine’s Day into The Holiday You Want It to Be
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Valentine’s Day: Shaping Valentine’s Day into The Holiday You Want It to Be

In real life, Valentine’s Day can bring about a multitude of emotions. You may view Valentine’s Day through a lens of grief, loneliness, despair, or be left wondering, when is it your turn to find love? Valentine’s Day blues may very well exist. In 2022, research showed that women in their 30’s to 40’s, when compared to men and other age groups, struggled with greater depressive symptoms following Valentine’s Day when not receiving a Valentine’s Day gift (Lange et al., 2022).

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Navigating the Seas of Personality Disorders: A Guide to Effective Management
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Navigating the Seas of Personality Disorders: A Guide to Effective Management

Living with or supporting someone with a personality disorder can be a challenging journey, but with the right tools and understanding, it is possible to navigate these waters successfully. Personality disorders are mental health conditions characterized by persistent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that deviate from societal expectations.

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The Transformative Quality of Grit
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

The Transformative Quality of Grit

Failure is something we all experience. It is common to fear it, like being afraid of making a small mistake, experiencing a setback, or being humiliated in front of others. But, some people may have a fear of failure that is crippling. There are various reasons for how fear of failure can be developed, but largely it is related to how we think about failure.

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Understanding and Overcoming Codependency
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Understanding and Overcoming Codependency

Codependency is a complex and multifaceted behavioral pattern that can manifest in various types of relationships (Stafford L, 2001). At its core, it involves an unhealthy reliance on others for emotional well-being, self-esteem, and a sense of identity. Codependent individuals often prioritize others' needs over their own, experiencing an overwhelming desire for approval and validation from those around them.

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Understanding Impulse Control Disorders: Strategies for Healing
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Understanding Impulse Control Disorders: Strategies for Healing

Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are a group of psychiatric conditions characterized by a chronic inability to resist impulsive behaviors that can lead to harm or negative consequences. These disorders can manifest in various ways, such as compulsive gambling, binge eating, or explosive outbursts of anger (Schreiber, L., Odlaug, B. L., & Grant, J. E., 2011).

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A Journey into the Realm of Self-Esteem
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

A Journey into the Realm of Self-Esteem

Much like a thriving plant, self-esteem requires care, attention, and a nurturing environment to blossom. In this blog post, we'll explore the essence of self-esteem, its impact on our lives, and practical strategies to cultivate and elevate it.

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Exploring the Benefits of Gratitude
Yvonne Koons Yvonne Koons

Exploring the Benefits of Gratitude

According to the Merriam – Webster dictionary gratitude is “the state of being grateful: THANKFULNESS” (, n.d.). Scientific studies have found that the state of being grateful has an association with mental and physical benefits. These benefits will be explored in this article. If you struggle with gratefulness, stay tuned to the end where some gratefulness tips will be given to help you learn how to be more intentional about gratitude.

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